Season ticket - all 14 concerts:

Sunday 10th August 2pm - A Most Rare Vision (Summer Solstice)

Monday 11th August 2pm - Into the Crowned Knot of Fire (July/Leo/FIRE)

Tuesday 12th August 7pm - Of Music in the Silver Air (August/Virgo)

Wednesday 13th August 7pm - Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness (Autumnal Equinox/September/Libra)

Thursday 14th August 2pm - Time Present, and Time Past (October/Scorpio/AIR)

Friday 15 August 7pm - A Strange Tide Turns (November/Sagittarius)

Saturday 16th August 7pm - Of a Dark Path Growing Longer (December/Capricorn)

Sunday 17th August 2pm - The Brief Sun Flames the Ice (January/Aquarius/WATER)

Monday 18th August 7pm - The Breath of Night (February/Pisces)

Tuesday 19th August 7pm - Tread Softly (Vernal Equinox/March/Aries)

Wednesday 20th August 2pm - Memory and Desire (April/Taurus/EARTH)

Thursday 21st August 7pm - The Shadows Rise and Fall (May/Gemini)

Friday 22nd August 7pm - Like Something Almost Being Said (June/Cancer)

Saturday 23rd August 2pm - Eternal Summer Shall Not Fade (Summer Solstice)

Tickets £18 - Season ticket £190 - under 30s free


For full programme - please visit our Extra Events Page

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The North York Moors Chamber Music Festival

Address - (Box Office): Mallories, Appleton-le-Moors, York YO62 6TF
Telephone: 07722038990

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The North York Moors Chamber Music Festival Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company registration number 6878005; registered charity no 1129262.