Main image - Alice O’Neill

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s truly remarkable festival. It has been an incredible experience, not just for the artists, but also for the audiences who turned out in record numbers.

We will be back next year from August 10th to 23rd. The theme will be revealed on November 9th, just a few weeks away (see Tickets for more information) . . .

Welcome to the North York Moors Chamber Music Festival . . . .

This Festival celebrates and explores collaborative music within the context of an awe-inspiring environment. Each year, we take our audience on a musical quest through a series of interwoven themes as part of one main storyline. 2024 promises to be another exhilarating, thought-provoking experience and we do hope you can join us on our next journey, where we explore the phenomenon of influence, of cycles through the ages, musical shadows, and themes which echo the times . . .

 Passionate about pulling down barriers and making great repertoire accessible to everyone, we have developed a strong reputation over the past 16 years for bringing communities and artists together, promoting culture through the medium of friendship and trust. It has consistently refused to compromise, even during the constraints of a pandemic, being one of the few festivals to go ahead to full, live audiences in both 2020 and 2021.

 August is when the glorious heather is in full bloom and the moors are at their most majestic. Artists are ensconced within the National Park, rehearsing and living in a refreshingly holistic environment - whilst audiences are free to enjoy picnics within the grounds of Welburn Manor, around the concerts, and explore the wider region via the churches and priories.


If you are able to support our festival in any way, perhaps by sponsoring a specific concert or artist, this would help us continue to curate and run this special festival in the way that we do so passionately and individualistically!



Original artwork: Alice O’Neill

Design: Chris Mason

Please feel free to join our mailing list to receive news and updates.

With over 30 international musicians, a fortnight of concerts and around 40 chamber works within the context of a friendly and inclusive environment, we invite you to explore one of the country's most spectacular regions, and feel inspired. . .

The whole atmosphere is so simply delightful: it all feels like being a member of one large musical family. Recognising before each concert so many familiar yet not-seen-for-a whole-year faces is a great pleasure: as people arrived and parked up, it was like a host of migrating birds all returning home!” Audience member

Photography: Matthew Johnson


The story behind our festival . . .